Relax massage


Classical massage is a massage that provides both physical and mental relaxation and tranquility.

You can dream away with peaceful music and close yourself off to the busy outside world. Long, deep stroking movements alternate with firm pressure to help you get relaxed. All this happens at a slow pace, which allows you to feel good. A nice bonus is that massage produces a natural happy drug. The so-called endorphins. Endorphins are the body’s own painkillers that provide feelings of happiness. The production of serotonin also increases through massage. This is a ‘feel-good substance’ that has a positive influence on mood, self-confidence, sleep patterns, and the processing of pain stimuli. The touch during massage also stimulates the production of oxytocin, which provides a feeling of security and peace.

You will look better if you feel better about yourself.

55-minute massage €60

the extra price for Hotstone massage at Body Basics Well-being is €7,50 in total it’ll be €67,50

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